About Tracey
Tracey Croisier has always been a round peg in a square hole world, with a career that has zigged from public relations to Wall Street, telephony voice artist and website designer, zagged from financial radio show host (in Times Square, no less!) to yoga teacher, 9-1-1 dispatch public information officer to the joys of being a high school librarian.
She’s been active in the storytelling community for over ten years
and has won six Moth StorySLAMs.
When not working behind a hot mic all day, Tracey enjoys hot yoga, swimming, and
outrigger canoeing with Club Sake.
She's got two books in the hopper.
Half-Hearted: Surviving Misogyny Before, During and After a Heart Attack, a memoir.
You Done Us Wrong, an historical novel about Carrie Buck, the landmark
1927 Buck v. Bell Supreme Court case and the
still-legal practice of sterilizing ‘unfit’ women in the United States.